September 15, 2024
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
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5400 Ochonski Road, Clarington
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Join the Oak Ridges Trail Association on a forest hike at Orono Crown Lands.
This hike will be at a slow to moderate pace (3.5 km per hour) for approximately 1.5-2 hours. This property is a gem that includes a trail along Wilmot Creek and an old railway overpass. A tireless group of volunteers maintain the trails at this location.
Please contact the hike leader by 6 pm the day before the hike. This will allow us to contact you if there are any changes to the planned hike.
Please wear closed toe footwear (no sandals) and carry water.
The Oak Ridges Trail Association (ORTA) hike leaders have completed hike leader training through Hike Ontario and first aid training.
There is no fee to park at this location but a loonie donation is appreciated at their donation box. Donations go towards trail maintenance and major bridge building project.
Meet up by 9:45 for a prompt 10:00 am start.
Parking: IMPORTANT - we will be parking and meeting at the Ochonski Road parking lot (NOT at the Taunton Road lot) 5400 Ochonski Road (intersection of Ochonski Road and Station Street)
Karen Graham 289-356-7366 (text or call)
Participants will be required to read and sign a hardcopy of the waiver of participation.
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